The novel “Things Fall Apart” written by Chinua Achebe follows the story line of white colonization in Africa. Achebe’s aim is to provide an accurate representation of his culture in English Literature by depicting the story of the protagonist Okonkwo and the Igbo tribe in Nigeria. Achebe was raised in a Igbo society but claims himself as a proud Christian, a product of colonization giving him an interesting perspective on his countries history and the impacts of Colonialism. The first half of the book is focused on introducing the audience to the Igbo culture and traditions. It shows a functioning society yet ruthless for our modern western standards. The main character, Okonkwo is characterized as a well respected man but with massive internal conflict of fear which leads him to committing inhumane acts of beating his wife and killing a boy he sees as his own son. The other half of the book depicts the colonization of the tribe and how Okonkwo and his people are effected both positively and negatively. Okonkwo was unable to adjust to the western Christian ideologies that the whites forced them to become accustomed which leads to him committing suicide, this is one example of how colonization had a negative impact. Moreover, positive impacts on the people of Nigeria are also shown. Okonkwo’s son, Nwoye never felt like he fit into the Igbo culture and is immediately drawn to the Christian religion as it gives him a sense of belonging.
Achebe was born during the time of the movement for an independent Nigeria born a family who were part of the Igbo tribe but also Christian missionaries, allowing him to explore his hybrid identity. Therefore he never actually experienced the colonization of Africa firsthand but rather the effects of it on his society. However this gave him a two-sided perspective on an other-wise black and white issue.
The reason the Achebe chose to set the novel prior and during the arrival of the colonial administration is because he wanted to convey two sides of the story. Humanizing the Igbo tribe and the whites. Achebe shows the flaws but also the functionalities in Igbo culture, while doing the same with the English, depicting the positives and negatives of the whites trying to convert and westernize Nigeria. Furthermore, this shows both societies in a good and bad light allowing the audience to see both sides of the story. Things fall apart was a revolutionary literary text in the removal of a one sided argument and a fair story of Colonization.
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